
14+ days in advance: full refund7+ days in advance: 50% refundLess than 7 days in advance: no refund
14+ days in advance: full migration7+ days in advance: 50% of original fee addedLess than 7 days in advance: 100% of original fee added

Note: For payments using Venmo or Paypal, the transaction fee will not be refunded.

Any expenses (including transportation) and contractor fees incurred which cannot be recalled will not be refunded

Once the booking form has been submitted, and after the specified date and time is confirmed available and all other booking details are made clear, a quote will be sent to the provided email address. Once accepted, quotes count as formal booking subject to the cancellation and rescheduling policies specified above.
Minimum booking length is one hour. Requested time will not be guaranteed until payment is made in full unless specific arrangements have been made prior to the inception of the project. Recorded media will not be delivered until payment is made in full.
An overage of more than ten minutes past booking end time will incur an additional full hour of charges at rates initially specified.
Depending on complexity of a recording project, evaluation of the venue may be required before an accurate quote can be determined.
Evaluation is required for livestreaming.
Note: more complex projects may require more than one person to set up and operate; additional labor rates will be billed at cost.
By default, livestreams are broadcast continuously from start to finish on the @Mumeneer YouTube channel at the performer's privacy setting. Afterward, public streams remain permanently while private streams are deleted, unless requested otherwise. Livestreams are always recorded for archival purposes, a copy of which can be provided upon request.
If you wish to use a different channel or platform, you must specify this during the booking process; otherwise the above default will be used. Additional materials, such as a program indicating intermission or graphics to be displayed, must be provided at least 2 days in advance.

Please note: for single-camera video recordings, editing between takes is not possible.
For other recordings with multiple takes, it’s recommended you select takes yourself; if you want the engineer to do it, this will be billed separately at the hourly post-production fee. For multiple camera recordings with multiple takes, audio must be edited prior to editing video. For editing video where the audio has already been edited by a third party, a marked score is required.