
To avoid transaction fees, please submit payment using Zelle, checks, or cash. All transaction fees for each accepted payment method have been calculated in order to comply with the latest New York regulations. Transaction fee percentages: Venmo  Paypal & Card

Note: Booking prices start with at least one hour of recording time, one hour of setup/teardown time, and equipment usage fees.

Minimum estimate for audio only or video only: $300

Minimum estimate for both audio and video: $500

Base Rates (hourly)

Audio / Video recording  $100 Check / Zelle / Cash  $102.00 Venmo  $102.99 Paypal  $103.48 Card
Setup and teardown  $100 Check / Zelle / Cash  $102.00 Venmo  $102.99 Paypal  $103.48 Card
Setup / teardown total hours calculation includes  Location of venue  Nature of venue  Number of microphones  Number of cameras  Livestream setup  Additional equipment  And other factors

Additional Rates (hourly)

Multiple camera live switching  Multiple cameras and extra setup hours required  $100 Check / Zelle / Cash  $102.00 Venmo  $102.99 Paypal  $103.48 Card
Multiple channel live audio mixing  Only for complex live audio setups  $100 Check / Zelle / Cash  $102.00 Venmo  $102.99 Paypal  $103.48 Card
Equipment usage fees  will be quoted

Other Services (hourly)

Post-production  Mixing, mastering, editing, graphics, etc.  $100 Check / Zelle / Cash  $102 Venmo  $102.99 Paypal  $103.48 Card